About IP
Mission Statement
Established in 2006, Infinite PASAbilities is a collegiate dance team established through the Pilipinx-American Student Association at California State University, Fullerton. This team was created with the purpose of uniting PASA members with a common love and passion for dance – an important and prominent aspect of contemporary Filipino culture. It is our goal to help individuals grow as dancers in a positive environment; giving them the opportunity to realize the infinite potential they have as an artist.
Evangeline Azusada & Simon Mercader
Infinite PASAbilities Executive Directors, Fall 2021


![Infinite PASAbilities | PCN XXXII 2019 [Wide View]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51e89794e4b06cbf2a556f44/1626496346475-4QX88ZS1B7FKUSQ5OWYL/image-asset.jpeg)
